Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Rabindranath in Europe (contd-9) - 1921

Sir Patrick Geddes FRSE (2 October 1854 – 17 April 1932) was a Scottish biologist, sociologist, geographer, philanthropist and pioneering town planner (see List of urban theorists). He is known for his innovative thinking in the fields of urban planning and sociology.
It was decided that Patrick Geddes would Meet Rabindranath in Geneva but due to some illness of one of his friend he could not meet him.. Mentioning the incident Rabindranath said on 5th May, " I send you herewith a draft copy of an invitation letter from which you will know that I am arranging a conference of some representative persons of the West and of Japan and China, if possible. I wish to have your advice both with regards to the names as well as the details of the programme. I need not say that it would help me gr4eatly if you could personally take part in organising it...If you suggest any alterations in the wordings of the invitation letter I shall gratefully accept them.My intent5ion is to hold in connection with the conference an exhibition representing different aspects of Indian life and culture."
He was also willing to bear the travelling expenses of those persons who were running in difficulties. He mentioned in this respect that many persons of Europe showed interest to volunteer in this project;
" You will know from the accompanying leaflet about the scheme of an International University in India with the object of paving the path to a future when both East and West will work together for the general cause of human welfare. It has been decided formally to open this institution on the 15th Jan, 1922, and to invite for the occasion a meeting of representative men and women of culture from the different countries of the West and those in Asiawhich are likely to respond. Such a meeting of the best thinkers and workers who are interested in bringing about international good feelings and fellowship is sure to facilitate the communication of sympathy between those continents which for various causes remain mutually alienated. It will give the most welcome assurance to the eastern people that the best intellectual minds of the world recognise the claims of a common human birthright overcoming the barriers of geography and race..  Earnestly hoping to count upon your sympathy for this movement I assure you....It give me pleasure and strenghthen the cause if you accept my invitation to take part in the conference affording the opportunity to some of our best men of distinction in Inidia for meeting you.
The proposed International University was established on 8th Paush [ 23 dec 1921] instead of  15th Jan 1922.   
As per English Calendar this year 25th Baishakh falls on 6th May. Rabindranath completed 60 years in his life and stepped into 61 years.He wrote to Andews ;
" The day has been crowded with visitors and the talk has been incessant, some part of which has unfortunately lapsed into politics, giving rise to a temperature in my mental atmosphere of which I always repent"
He also wrote to Indira Devi on 7th May;
" It is true, that I was born in this country and I have passed many days since my birth. After fifty years of my age,  I came to the west continent and  I was born again. I was welcome to them. Their affection was so deep, their relationship was so intimate, I became astonished. I could not imagine before coming over here that my abode was so neatly prepared in the European countries. I could not understand why I got so much respect and affection from them. When I was born in Bengal 60 years ago and received so much wealth of the world that I could not account for and the love and affection I am getting from the people of the West, I would not be able to repay them. I could not make my balance sheet of my receipts and payments in this world. I am accepting the gifts I am receiving thrm  with my head bowed down and I feel no pride in it."
To celebrate the birth day of Rabindranath a committee was formed with the members Count Bernstorff, Rudolf Eucken, Dr. Adolf Harnack, Gerhart Hauptmann, Conrad Hausmann, Harmann Hesse, Dr. hermann Jacobi, Count Keyserling, Dr. Henrick Meyer-Benfey, Helene Meyer-Franck, Dr. Richard Wilhelm and Kurt Wolff. They decide to celebrate by donating modern books in German literature to the colletion of Viswa Bharati.
Informing this to Andrews Rabindranath wrote;
" I have just received a birth day greeting m Germany through a committee consisting of men like Eucken, Harnack, Hauptmann and others and with it a most generous gift consisting of, at least, four hundred copies of valuable German books. It has deeply touched my heart and I feel certain that it will find response in the hearts of my country men."
Rabindranath, too, expressed gratitude on behalf of India and himself by sending a message;
" Germany has done more than any other countries in the Worl fo opening up and ening the channel ontellectual and spiritual mmunication of the West with India, and the homage of love , which she freely has given ay to apoet of the East, will surely impart to this relationship the depth of an intimate and personal character. Therefore, I can assure you that my message of gratitude which  out to my friends in Germany ies in it I grateful appreciation of this hospitality of heary offered to her in the person of her poet."    