Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Rabindramath in America - 3rd time (contd-1)-1920

On 28th Oct, Rabimndranath wrote to Andrews after  the steamer reached  the port of America on 28th Oct,1920;
" Our steamer has arrived at the port - too late for us to land to-night." He wrote to Mira describing the journey in Atlantic;
" Yesterday, our steamer reached the port in the late night. We shall get the shore today morning. It is very cold, dead of night and darkness all over the sky.We shall be asked to board the land when there will be daylight and we shall go out after our breakfast. Our ship is a very big one of Hollandand good. It is neat and clean and the crews are good. The ship was big and did not swing. At the middle of Atlantic the ocean was rough and cloudy. But in the last two days it was sunny. The full moon when Goddess Lakshmi  (27th Oct) are worshipped, we were in ocean. It was Lakshmi who was created by churning the ocean did not forget me. I earned about Rs. 600/- by delivering lecture, on request, on the ship.If She seems to be pleased even the bank of the sea, my journey would be a successful one.
After taking tea, just got it, I shall began to write an  essay. Here there is enough scope of writing. The cabin is very big, though I have to pay much for it. But I earned the amount from the ship by delivering lecture at the request of the passangers of the ship. In the morning there will be physical check upand then we shall be allowed to go."
      Rabindranath took his lodging in the Hotel Algonquin and this was his temporary address for some time. The Manager Frank Case of the Hotel wrote about this fine guest in his memoir " Tales of a Way ward inn[1938]";
" Tagore with his white hair, white beard, and face of a saint topped with silken turban, looked like a picture of a Christ grown older than we know Him, and and seemed as far removed from the material things of our day.It looked incongruous to see him riding in an elevator and I'm sure he never used the telephone. I kept a waiter standing at his door from morning till night, so that if he wanted anything he had but to clap his hands.But he never wanted anything, he was not interested in food nor in the hundreds of other things that the rest of think indispensable for the day's comfort."    
Rabindranath requested Mrs moody to call at him but he did not see her present and wired a telegram in Chicago on 30th Oct, " Have arrived. Staying Hotel  Algonquin. Rathi and Pratima coming later. Waiting eagerly/meet you/reaining here all/November. Hope to spend Christmas in Chicago if you are thereand if I am welcome. Pearson send greetings."
He wrote  on the same day two other letters ; one, to Dinendra and the other, to Ranu Adhikary.
New York Times wrote on 1st november after an interview with him, " Tagore lays base for his University" and described his novel political thought; " He said, Indians are faithul to their Kings, and so it would be justified that instead of appointing a paid Viceroy, he should appoint his second son as a ruler of the country."
New York Herald wrote on 1st Nov, under the title" Tagore in Search of Spiritual Faith", and under a sub-title, "Believes World War only a Rumble Before Real Storm comes".
" Of-course, Bolshevism is wrong because it is thoroughly selfish. It exploits one class at the expanse of all others. So selfishness is at the bottom of the conflict between the forces of capital and labour. Labour asks for shorter hours and more pay; but proposes to give nothing ; These conflicting forces, of which labour and capital are only two, will wreck the world unless men find a new spiritual faith in in which they can all grow together. I do not believe that one religion can serve the world for all time."  
The most explosive interview was published by New York Call on 2nd Nov under the title " Tagore in US tells of British Crimes";
" It is natural to expect that the movement will meet with violence by the ruling power at some time or other. But the idea of resistance will have been tried before this happens. .. And if we can stand firm in our faith, then we shall win over those who use brute  force. Now and the immediate future will be a terrible trial for India. Because physical force has assumed such tremendous proportions now, and it has the power to cause such widespread havoc and misery, that it will require all our moral force and strength of spirit to withstand it and to pass through the great suffering which is sure to come to us. "