Saturday, May 19, 2012

Rabindranath in America (contd-16) - 1921

At the invitation of the Arch Bishop Rabindranath went to a Upsala city 40 miles off from Stock Holm  on 28th May with by the car of Counts. Arch Bishop of St5ock Holm took him cordially to the famous Cathedral and the University. They had their dinner in the house of the Arch Bishop with 30/40 important persons. The Arch Bishop  under his own leadership took Rabindranath  in a procession with the students of the Cathedral to the Upsala University and accorded him a grand  welcome. They visited a school on  the way to Stock Holm .Having reached the capital they started for Berlin by train. In Sweden Rabindranath was greeted unprecedented.The number of days he was staying there the people was eager to see him once and waited standing his room.The news  papers regularly published news with photographs  and paintings of him. A paper "Svenska Tageblant"  proposed to donate a large amount of money to his school if he would  agree to allow publishing his one letter with his signature. He disagreed with the proposal politely and wrote a letter to them on the day he was leaving Sweden on 28th May. The original letter,its Swedish translated form and photograph was published in the first page of the paper on the next day. 
" Bewildered at heart by the demonstration made in my honour i8nh the Western countries  I have often tried to find  their real cause and I have been told because I loved humanity.I hope that it is true and that all through my writings my love of man has found its utterance and touched human hearts across all barriers. If that be true then let that truest note in my writings guide my own life. The other  day when I was rested alone in my room in the hotel at Humburg there entered two shy German girls with a bu7nch of roses for their offering for me. One of them who spoke  a broken English said to me."I love India" .I asked her, " Why do you love India ?" She answered ," because you love God." The praise was too great for me to accept it with any degree of complacences.. But I hope its meaning was in the expectation fromj me which it carried and therefore it was a  blessing .Or  possibly  she meant that my country loved God and therefore she loved my country. That5 also  was an expectation whose meaning we  should understand. The nations love their  own countries and that has only given rise to mutual hatred and suspicion.The world is waiting for a country that loves her God and not herself, and only that land will have the claims to be loved by men of all countries. Love of selof, national or indi8vidual, can have no other destination thyan clash of  conflicting interests, lo9ve of God is our only fulfillment it had i8n it the ultimate solutioin of alol problems."