Monday, June 18, 2012

Rabindranath and Ranu- 1922

Ashar-issue of Santiniketan  informed ;
" Prof Phani Bhushan Adhikari of Banaras Hindu University came with his family to Santiniketan during summer vacation.
Rabindranath wrote to Ranu Adhikari on 1st July;
"   I hope you have reached Banaras by this time. Perhaps, you have not faced rush in the train. Write to me,  how are you ? The school has started  functioning regularly just after your departure. I have to attend  committee meeting , taking classes everyday.The students are making the vacant rooms filled with noise as the rain pours down every day in Ashar. My amount of work is too much now."
The school reopened after summer vacation on 28th June.Ranu came here after her Matriculation examination. She enjoyed the heavenly company at her leisure. She had no presure of her studies then.
This year there was severely  hot in Santiniketan. Rabindranath wrote Pearson on 15th May,
" We have had some days that were frightfully hot...In all my past experience I never came across such a summer in Santiniketan." He wrote on the same day to Pramatha Choudhury; " It is unbearable hot in Santinikeran .All the thoughts in my mind are being dried up like the grasses in the field and leaves of the trees. " So, they could not pass their time in happy mood. But Rabindranath wrote many songs and there was no shortage of happiness in sining tose songs.
Of course, there were other guests since he was in Santiniketan other than the Adhikary family..