Sesquicentennial(150th)birth Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore
Sunday, April 29, 2012
(video) Rabindranath in France (contd-2)-1920
On 21st Aug in the afternoon, Mrs Kahn fetched all of them to the Rheims city near Paris. The devastation caused by the war was visible from a long distance and after entering the city they found the debris of the city due to the war.(1918). Now there were only some dilapidated house and lean and thin stray dogs. In the night they took their accommodation in Grand Hotel there. The houses that were still existing, this one of them. On the next day they went to the village after seeing the condition of the Cathedral Church. Miles after miles there was no habitation - only trenches and fencing with barbed wires here and there. They came back in the night totally exhausted, phisically and mentally so that they could not fall asleep.
After a few days Rabindranath wrote to andrews in a memoires ;
" It was a most saddening sight. Some of the terrible damages deliberately done, not for any necessities of war but to cripple France for ever. , were so savage that their memory can never be effaced.For it will take a trememdous effort and also an immense lapse of time to make to make them things of the past.
When the spiritual idea is lost when the human relationship is completely broken up, then individual freed from that greative bond of wholeness find a fearful joy in destructiveness."