Rabindranth wrote another big letter to
Satyaprasad (standing right) on 16 Kartick (2nd Nov 1909). the glorious persons those who rtayed in Maharshi Bhavan, Jorasanko, had gradually started to settledown in separate residence. Satyendranath, Gnanadanandini, and Jyotirindra lad left Jorasnko for long ago, Dwijendranath was staying, at present, in Santiniketan and for the last two decades Rabindranath living in Jorasanko off and on. The childrens of Dwijendranath and Hemendranath were staying there, buty they did not take the responsibility of the maitenance of the building at jorasanko. Satyprasad, as a estate manager, lived there with his mother, and his children and took the full responsibility. When he ,himself,wanted to go to Kashi-Allahabad, the area of his daughter's father-in-law, Rabindranath wrote him with broken heart;
"Let me open the true picture before you. I am not at all satisfied with your decision of leaving Jorasanko cutting off all the relations. For, number one, the relation with you is a life long bondage, which had been mingled with the bricks, walls etc , secondly, the relation that had been developed with you was depedable. In a word, Jorasanko is now almost empty. if you stay here, at least, it seems to be domestic building-my childrens too consider you as near and dear ones, they donot get any other person as you . If you leave , the house will appear as a rest house. Moreover Rathi has to live in villge for his work, then it will be difficult to say a dwelling place. For all these reasons, you are asked to stay so long as you can. It may by true that you have a family and that is not only these bricks and walls.If your relatives stay otherwise, then it is painful to keep you here. You will have to be relieved. jorasanko has become meaningless to us and if you will leave then that will be confirmed."
Satyaprasad was granted a pension of Rs.150/- only p.m.and he is getting his pension from the month of Paush.
Rabindranath was at Calcutta for some days. Rathi (Rathi returned back from America after successfully comleting his study on Sept, 1909), too was staying in Caclcutta. Rabindranath was busy to give charges of the main estate on 13th nov., 1909 and to make his own future plan and programme.On that day, he went to Patisar via Selaidah early in the morning with Rathi. He travelled with Rathi a long distance through boat to make Rathi , the new Zamindar, known with the tenant because they have some holdings in the district of Rajsahi. He had come to this place with Rathi earlier.
On the next day, Rathindranath wrote Nagendranath Gangopadhyay form the boat on the Padma;
"we again returned back from Kaligram by boat . My father was dropped at Goalanda . He went to Calcutta from that place on the day after tomorrow. He had to deliver a lecture at YMCA.
In the month of Paush from 17th, Rabindranath was at Calcutta for arranging negotiation for marriage of Rathindranath. This was known from a letter written by Jyotirindranath dated 4th Jan (20 Paush).
"Got a letter from Rabi - he requested me to remain present at the marriage ceremony of Rathi."
The marriage was settled with the widow daughter, Pratima Devi (5.11.1893-9.1.1969) of Binayini Devi and Seshendra Bhusan Chattopadhyay. Binayini Devi was the sister of Gaganendranath. After her birth Mrinalini Devi wanted her to be married with her son, Rathi.But as the Guardians were not willing to delay more, the negotiation did not proceed.She was married with the son, Nilnath, of Nirode Nath Mukhopadhyay, a classmate of Rabindranath, on Phalgun, 1310.But after two months, on Baisakh, 1311 Nilnath died suddenly by drowning in the Ganges.
In the context of marriage of Rathindranath, Pratima came, at first, in the mind of Rabindranath.Purnima Chattopadhyay, the daughter of Gaganandranath wrote,
"Rathikaka having come back from foreign, Rabidada said to my father, you ought to think of Pratima to get her married again. Ask Binayini not to disagree because Pratima has to pass so many days before her and it is very difficult ,at this age, to neglect all the temptations. Moreover, her parents are alive now, but after their death to live in the family of her brothers will be a difficult task.It is not at all desirable. Think, hat iit is better to get her married again.
My elder aunt said, 'I shallbe boycotted in the society then. I possess more children and has to get them married.'
My father said, 'don't be afraid, I'm always with you. If you are boycotted by society, I too shall boycot the society. But in this way, we cannot allow to go away with the life of our child Moreover, the groom is not an unknown person, He is our Rathi. Rabikaka likes to get him married with Pratima. Our child will remain in our house. Donot disagree. We have to take Pratima's opinion. She has to realise '
At the outset, she does not agree. My father made her agreeable after many trials.My father said, you think that it was a dream. Now you have to start a fresh.
Ignoring the then society My father get her married in his own house with his constant guard. There were many obstructions, but my father ignored all of them."
Jyotirindranar wrote in his diary, "I had talks with Samar and Gagan. It was encouraging. "
Rabindranath wrote to Nagendra residing in America, "Hope you know it ws a widow marriage. At first there were some problems, but ignoring them all were solved.