Friday, October 28, 2011

St. John Perse and Centenary of Tagore

In the year of Centenary year (1961) of Rabindranath Tagore, just after receiving the Nobel Prize on 1960, St John Perse read an essay which was published in a memorandum titled, " Hommage de la France a Rabindranath Tagore pour Le Centenaire de sa Naissance, 1961 (1962) " on behalf of Institute de Civilisation Indienne. He narrated with utmost emotion and mature reverence to the genius of Rabidranath Tagore describing his first meeting with him.  Prof. Sourindra Mitra  translated the lecture in Bengali.
Within a week of the meeting with Rabindranath, St Leger wrote to Andre Gide (1869-1951),
"The Nlle Revue Francaise, instead of serving Amold Bennet up to us, would do better to be the first review in Europe to give us the work of Rabindranath Tagore. The English Translation of his work, which he himself made, and which is to appear within a fortnight, is the only really poetic English-language work to have appeared in a long time."