Monday, March 19, 2012

Vichitra and Rabindranath (contd-18)

Kampo Arai was teaching drawing in Vichitra Club by Japanese method and doing his own work.He wrote on 3rd July in his diary; "I have drawn a picture in the combined canvas. At the top of the canvas I have completed drawing the summit of the Himalayas and after completing my drawing I gifted it to Rabindranath Tagore". He added that Rabindranath, Abanindranath, Gaganendranath and others had seen my sketches drawn at the Darjeeing. They also saw my
picture " Andher Suryabandana" of Kanjan Simomura.
Rabindranath was greeted in the Manda Club founded by Sukumar Roy.Kalidas Nag wrote; "The poet was called for today in the club. We discussed many topics - "Payla nambar" -- this was continued till 1 A.M..
Kampo Arai wrote in his diary on 7th July; " Gurudev Rabindtanath went to Bolpur."