Friday, March 16, 2012

Bichitra -Dak Ghar (contd-13)

Arrangements were made to stage the drama Dak Ghar by Bichitra for many days ago.This drama was first published in 1318 Bangabda [1912] and was first staged on 3rd May, 1917.
Sita Devi wrote;
" there was an organization named 'Balyasamaj' in Samajpara. Their members, boys and girls, occasionally arranged some music performance for the entertainment of their friends. They got an idea of staging Dak Ghar of Rabindranath. A young boy, named Ashamukul, was available to act the role Amal Rehearsal was going on in full swing. At this news Rabindranath intimated Prasantachandra that he would come to see it.But suddenly tue mother of Ashamukul fell ill and he had to go to Giridi. None was available to take the role and it was not staged."
But Kalidas  Nag wrote;
" On 3rd May, 1917, in he evening in a very bad weather Dak Ghar was staged in Mary Carpenter Hall" Sita Devi, too, amended his previous statement and wrote;
" Balya Samaj staged the drama Dak Ghar in Mary Carpenter hall when Mulu ( the youngest son of  Ramananda  Prasad) took the role of Thakurda (grandfather) and Asha Mukul took the role of Amal. The performance was really good.Rabindranath was not present in Calcutta at that time but after learning the story  he wanted to give Mulu and Asha Mukul the roles they played."
Rabindranth Tagore's Dak Ghar captures the yearning for freedom of the sick child Amal. Rabindranath Tagore's Post Office received world wide appeal with Rave reviews in Europe. The play Post Office dealt with death- according to Rabindranath Tagore death was spiritual freedom from the world of hoarded wealth and certified creeds.