Rabindranath read the essay "The cult of Nationalism" at the Orpheus Hall in First Unitarian Church in Paterson city of New Jersy state on 28th Nov. Guardian wrote on 29th :
" The speech of Rabindranath was listened to with much interest, by the six hundred people who crowded the Church to the standing room limit. It was a novel subject, handled by one who was brought up under conditions different from those found here, and was a literary treat which was thoroughly enjoyable from that viewpoint alone."
This paper informed on the last 25th ; " Of the autograph photographs, which can be had after the lecture, the work-a-day one of Tagore seated at his desk, is perhaps the most realistic".
On 29th Rabindranth again read the essay " The Cult of Nationalism" in the Hall of Academy of Music of Philadelphia. About 2000 persons attended the hall. The evaluation was done by the paper " North American" : It was an audience fashionable enough in its curiosity, tempered a little here and there by half-knowledge of Tagore poetryor a desire to appear knowing.