Rabindranath left Salt Lake City and came to Denver of Colorado state on 15th Oct and got Brown Palace Hotel. Here he read the essay, " The cult of Nationalism" in three places, 1. Denver-16th Oct, 2. Colorado University in Oct Boulder on 17th Oct, and 3. Colorado Spring on 18th Oct.
He left Colorado from Fortmorgan city and sent a telegram to Mrs. Moody informing; " Arriving Chicago by Burlington route nine o'clock Friday evening with Mr. Pearson and a student of mine/Tagore"Earlir he wrote on 15th Jan1915 to Mrs. Moody, " How would you have liked it if on a bright summer morning we dropped in to see you at your home in Chicago bringing greetings from India."
Mrs. Moody and other friends greeted Rabindranath and his party on arrival in Chicago Station on 20.th Oct,1916.
Rabindranath read the essay, " The cult of Nationalism" at The Orchestra Hall of Chicago on 24th Oct.. Richard Henry Little of Chicago Herald .wrote on 25th; " In a robe of whites with sorrow for his own beloved India written deeply in his face, Sir Rabindranath Tagore held spell bound last night an audience that filled Orchestra Hall." Milwaukee Journal informed that thee were about 1200 persons present.Mrs Moody wrote to her friend Alice Corbin Henderson a few days later; "His manner of delivery and the fervor with which he presents his ideas give him a kind of domination over his hearers that you would imagine Joan of Arc would have. I have been feeling only a prophet walking through the various involved countries of Europe and speaking a divine word could avail to break up the war. I never had thought of Mr. Tagore in his connection, but when I saw what he was able to do I thought that he might be able to do even this gteat thing."
He left Chicago and went Iowa City in that night of 24th Oct. Dr.(Prof) Sudhindra Basu greeted him in West Liberty Station. He wrote a book, "Sir Rabindranath Tagore at the State University of Iowa" comprising the details of his interaction with Rabindranath in Iowa.