Thursday, January 5, 2012

Rabindranath and Bangiya Hitasadhan Mandali

Rabindranath came to Calcutta on 28th March, 1915, to join the 3rd Annual meeting of Bangiya Hitasadhan Mandali. Kalidas Nag wrote;
" At the evening in the meeting of Bangiya Hitasadhan Mandali P.C.Roy, and the Poet discussed on Education and the evening ended nicely." The lecture delivered by Rabindranath had been published in "Pravasi" on 1322 under the title "Pallir Unnati" ( Welfare of the Village). In this lecture Rabindranath spoke some truth in a soft voice. In reading the essays, "Sikshar herfer" and "Hindu Bibaha" written by him, and  narrating  the reactions of Indians about the fate of the
National Fund and other things, Rabindranath explained the development of "terrorism" in Indian politics. He said;
" In doing the welfare of our country we are to utilise the different energies  and initiatives of the people of India in proper manner. If there is no possibility of proper arrangement in the country, then the creative energies of all such resources being obstructed will terminate in a terrible direction. If it does not find easy way of expression, it will end in an  underground way. We should not blame the youths for this, we are to guide them in proper fashion for use of their energies."
Rabindranath was requested to say something about the methods of welfare of a village. Though he was a city dweller, he had the authority of saying something on this subject. He said;
" Only  book knowledge does not yield any good result. A knowledge should be verified by successful application in establishing  an ideal, then the knowledge becomes true.I got some experiences by traversing in this avenue. It may be small, but genuine and therefore it is better than many bookish knowledge."
Rabindranath wanted to apply his idea to construct an Ideal Village. After some time he wanted to apply this idea in "Sriniketan".