Saturday, February 25, 2012

Rabindranath in America-- 2nd times -Oregan State (contd-5)

"All of this organisation, this system and method, may be well enough in business. Some things are better made by machinery, but when you come to life, complete life, machinery has no place in that. The day will come when you will feel a real thirst for perfectionof human ideals. This cannot come through any particular system, through any outward influence, You will have to go to the root, which is the soul, the spiritual life."
He also said," But you can afford to go through that to reach the deeper wisdom of the spiritual life. This is the playtime of your civilization and even play has its meaning and its use by letting forth energy and giving strength and fuller growth."
Portland Oreganian in a pictorial representation informed Rabindranath with his team, 1. Somendrachandra Debabarma, 2. Mukul Chandra, and 3. Pearson became the guest of R.S.Hurd and on Tuesday afternoon in a White "45" car of the White motor company went to visit the famous Sculpture Exhibition 'Sacajawea' and 'Coming of the White Man' in Washington Park.
In the evening he read the essay, " The cult of Nationalism' in the Hall of Linkon High School of Drama League of America.
Later on this essay was included in the book Nationalism [1917] with the title, "Nationalism in the West". Apart from the essays in the collection "Personality",  Rabindranath in most of the meetings read this essay.