Monday, January 16, 2012

Rabindranath again at Silaidah

Rabindranath started for Silaidah by mid-day train on 13 July. Dr. Dwijendra Moitra wrote;
" I went to the railway station with him and at this very hour, yesterday, was taking leave of the poet at Sealdah station. Only I accompanied him  & he travelled alone to his zamindari by the 12.40 a.m. train."
On visiting the pathetic condition of his tenants, he wrote to Andrews;
"But since I came here I find this year is not going to be a prosperous one for us especially as there has been a further prohibition in the Jute exportation. Last year the rent we realised was small and it was largely supplemented by borrowed money.    So this year our capacity for raising loans will be limited, so I must not launch myself into an expensive schemes of travels till I have a better prospect before me than now."
He informed the same thing to Rathindranath and to Rothenstein on 18th July and 22 July respectively. He was free here as there was no tediousness of Brahmacharyasram or busy hours like Calcutta and wrote to Andrews;
" In the meanwhile I am floating my dreams, as the children do their paper boats, on this wide expanse of green, gold and blue."
he wrote to Rathindranath;
"I have come back to my true existence after many days coming in contact with the green grass and solitary atmosphere -- I wish to stay here for long. I am in need of care of nature's own hand in a lonely place -- for that my mind gradually became restless of coming to a distant place by cutting all earthly relations of life and family. For this the proposal of going to Japan or to any unknown place for searching peace of my mind was an urgent  necessity to my mind.I have passed the age of struggle of my family life -- now I have fulfil my ambition before I expire."
He has given up the idea of going to Japan and can settle his mind on another subject and wrote to Rathindranath ;
" I need some books if I had to stay at Silaidah for some time -- I brought very few books this time when I came over here." Books he had brought mainly on subjects based on problems of life..He wrote to Rathin on 20th July ;
" I am returning back two books, "Unconscious memory" and "Haldane's Life and personality'. The books of Halden belongs to Pramatha. You may read it --you will ger enjoyment." The books he wanted to send him are, Viscount Haldane's The pathway to reality--2 vols", The Interpretation of Radium -- by Frederick Soddy, and Recent advances in the study of Variation, Heredity and Evolution by Robert H. Lock.".