Thursday, April 7, 2011

Rathindranath inherited some qualities of Rabindranath.(contd-13)

Mrinalini had not yet been transferred to Calcutta from Shantiniketan for better treatment. Rathindranath wrote that his fatherwas at calcutta. His father informed Dwipendranath,  elder brother of Rathindranath and son of Dwijendranath, to fetch Mrinalini to Calcutta. it was a remarkable incident to Rathindranath to bring his mother from Bolpur to Calcutta. His mother lying on the bed and Rathindranath  sitting by her side was watching through the window and gave a vivid description of the scenery outside the window as if Rabindranath had drawn a picture. Rows of innumerable  palm trees on both sides of the lane with frequent bushes of wild date trees. There were also stray villages covered by bushes of bamboo trees. Suddenly appeared a child sitting bravely on a buffalo. All these sceneries appearing before the eyes and leaving one after another. Once an open field was visible of which there was  a  pond with middle portion  broken. The amount of water inside the pond was covered with white lotus. The scenery was so beautiful that Rathi asked his mother to look at.
Oneday Rathindranath described about the games played in Shantiniketan. The cost of playing football was less than the expenses of the other games. There were no arrangements  of other games.Every body was fond of playing football. One day Natore's Maharaja came to Shantiniketan and gifted many playing materials. but still they liked to play football.
Rabindranath was an efficient actor and a director too. Rathindranath wrote that in 1902, they staged "Bisarjan". At that time they had no stage, no dresses nor any other equipments. We had mae up of all such drawbacks by only our will. The no. of students were also small. There were only Santosh Majumdar, nayanmohan Chattopadhyay ( second son of Manimohan son in law of Dwijendranath) and  himself. These three persons were the organisors, sponsorer and actors. The entrance examination was knocking at the door but the Reharshal was going on. Being afrid our teachers complained to Rabindranath . But Rabindranath did not listened to their complain.  
Rathindranath wrote in his autobiography that 'H-CH-H' (Harish Chandra Halder) had drawn the 'Scene'
of the dramma 'Bisarjan'.
There was no hall for staging dramma. In the dinning hall, at the back  side of the school building, the stage had been prepared with the help of some wooden platform. Some platforms were placed vertically on its legs for hanging the 'scene' with the help of nails. Rathindranath said that they had done all these childish affairs but still the performnce was good. Nayan played well in the role of Nakshatra Manikya, the role of Raghupati was played by Jagadananda Babu. At this Rabindranath understood that he was one amongst a lakh and from then he became an essential actor for every dramma when staged. Though there was no mention in the 'Smriti Katha' written by Jagadananda Roy. Rathindranath said that Nayan's acting was splendid. His mamannerism in the soliloquy was perfect of its kind.After few days it was again staged on 1903.