Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mrinalini Devi (contd-2)

Sometmes Rabindranath wrote to his wife that he felt very restless when his mind turned to Beli (affectionate derivative of Bela) and Khoka (common Bengali name for a male child). He further added that probably, Beli was not taking her food regularly and was afraid that Khoka might forget him . Rabindranath called his wife Choto Bau and wrote to her,
" Did you think of me when I was ill on the ship?  I was dying to return home to you. These days I am convinced there is no place like home.I am not going anywhere after I get back from this trip. I have taken a bath today after a whole week. It is no fun to bathe in salty water. One's hair gets all knotted and the body feels sticky. I have decided not to bathe again till I leave the ship."
"We have one more week to reach Europe. It will be such a relief to be  on land again. I am tired of being on the sea day and night."
"I wrote to you day before yesterday, I am writing to you again today. You may get both the letters on the same day, what is the harm? We shall be landing tomorow - all the more reason for writing you today. I will be writing to you again on reaching England."
Rabindranath wrote to his wife in detail of his journey to England and came  back home after one month.