Apart from editing he had his own publication.
In Bengali Bhratribhab (1863), Tattwabidya (1866-68), Sonar kathi Rupor kathi (1885), Sonay Sohaga ( 1885), Aryami ebong Sahebiyana (1890), Samajik Roger Kaviraji Chikitsa (1891), Adaitya- mater Samalochana (1896), Brahmagnan O Brahmasadhana (1900), Banger Rangabhumi (1907), Haramanir Anwesan (1908), Gitapather Bhumika (1915), and Prabandhmala (1920),
in English : Boxometry (of Mathematics)-1913, Ontology (1871), a book on Geometry.He published innumerable writings in different magazines such as Jnankur, Pratibimbo, Tattwabodhini, Barati, Sadhana, new look Bangadarshan, Manasi, Sahitya Parishad Patrika, Santiniketan, Budhbar, Shreyasi, Prabasi, Sabujpatra, and Supravat. This is simply a quantitave estimate and not a qualitative one.
Dwijendranath had five sons--1. Dipendranath, 2. Arunendranath, 3. Nitindranath, 4. Sudhindranath, 5. and Kripendra.
Amongst his sons- Sudhindranath (1869-1929) was a talented author. he wrote poems, novels, and short Stories. He introduced a new literary magazine, Sadhana in 1891 and was its first editor. Later, Rabindranath edited it and subsequently it was merged with Bharati .

Amongst his grand sons,
Dinendranath (1882-1935), son of Dipendranath, had exceptional talent of music. He could remember the tune of any song he heard once. Rabindranath used to compose tunes of the songs he wrote but found it difficult to remember and codify them. He used to call Dinendranath to do the job and develop notations. Rabindranath called him "store keeper of his songs."
Soumendranath Tagore (1910-1974), son of Sudhindranath , was a great orator. He was an icon of cultural arena in the 1960s and 1970s. he was associated with the communist movement from his younger days.
Soumendranath Tagore with Rabindranath