Tattwabodhini Patrika was the organ of Tattwabodhini Sabha. The journal was first published on 16th August 1843 from Calcutta to propagate the Brahmo faith and to enable regular contact among members of Tattwabodhini Sabha. Akshoy Kumar Dutta was the first editor, and Debendranath Tagore was charged with its overall supervision. The best known prose writers of the 19th century- Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar, Rajnarayan Basu, Debendranath Tagore- contributed regularly to the journal, spawning a new epoch in Bangla language

Tattwabodhini Patrika played a key role in the propagation of Brahmoism in Eastern Bengal. Brajasundar Mitra, initiator of the Brahmo Samaj in Dhaka, was attracted to this faith by reading the journal .Debendranath Tagore wanted to limit the journal to purely religious issues but Akshoy Kumar Dutta, the editor, extended it to scientific issues to place the journal at a high level. A committee was formed with Rajnarayan Basu, Anandakrishna Basu, Shridhar Nyayaratna, Radhaprasad Roy (son of Rammohan Roy), Debendranath Tagore and others for selecting articles for the journal.
Tattwabodhini Patrika was published upto 1932. After Akshoy Kumar Dutta it was edited at different times by Nabin Chandra Banerjee, Satyendranath Tagore, Ayodhya nath Pakrashi, Hemchandra Vidyaratna, Dwijendranath Tagore, Rabindranath Tagore and Kshitindranath Tagore.