" Bitarkita Atithi" by Sisir Kumar Das (pic-rt) and Taan Oen. According to them ;
" When Rabindranath went to China, the country was involved in a tempestuous weather determined to a change. A few years ago, an unprecedented revolution had started in Language and Literature. For the last five to seven years the elites wanted a radical change in language, idea in religion, style of writing, social system, and politics. A few years ago in 1919 a historical incident took place on 4th May in China.
(The May Fourth Movement (traditional Chinese: 五四運動; simplified Chinese: 五四运动; pinyin: Wǔsì Yùndòng) was an anti-imperialist, cultural, and political movement growing out of student demonstrations in Beijing on May 4, 1919, protesting the Chinese government's weak response to the Treaty of Versailles, especially the Shandong Problem. These demonstrations sparked national protests and marked the upsurge of Chinese nationalism, a shift towards political mobilization and away from cultural activities, and a move towards populist base rather than intellectual elites.
The broader use of the term "May Fourth Movement" often refers to the period during 1915-1921 more often called the New Culture Movement.)
The Communist Party of China was established in 1921. Both the Rightist and the Leftist Party of China wanted a change in Social and Political systems in China and to accelerate this a section of people wanted a rapid transformation to industrialisation. With the help of technical development the old ideas of religion to be totally iradicated..... The new society of China got its lesson either from Japan or from Europe and America.They observed that Japan got its military strength from technical development ( China too experienced its military strength) and became equal in status with Europe by economic development. Observing the days of japan, the intellectuals of China decided to develop technical knowledge and with the help of technical development they can fight out the inertia of spiritualism. In western philosophy the thinking of John Due and Bertrand Russel inspired a section of people who wanted to a change in the administration dominated by Confucious thought. On the other hand, another section inspired by the ideals of Russian Revolution and Marxian thoughts wanted to do the same thing.Since 4th May movement many cultural organisations developed who were translating the foreign literatures ( Rabindra-sahitya was one among them).At the same time a political upliftment took place due to the influence of Marxian thought."