The birth day of 5th George was on 3rd June. A list for "Birthday Honors" was prepared where the name of "RABINDRANATH TAGORE, Esq./Of Bolpur, Bengal" was included. A declaration was made to offer Nighthood to the persons in the list.
This news was informed to Rabindranath personally in a letter dated "May 1915" from Viceregal Lodge/Simla;
Dear Sir Rabindranath Tagore
I have much pleasure in informing you that, upopn my recommendation , the King Emperor has been pleased to confer a Knighthood upon you as a mark of His majesty's appreciation of your literary talents.
Yours Sincerely
Hardinge of Penhurst
In this connection the certificate issued to Rabindranath did not mention any reference of literary talents of Rabindranath. The certificate was as follows;
George the Fiftth by the Grace of God
of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British dominations beyond the seas
King Defender of the faith do all to whom these presents shall come Greeting Know Ye that of Our especial Grace certain Knowledge and mere motion Have given and Granted and by these presents Do give and granted and by these presents Do give and grant unto our trusty and well beloved Rabindranath Tagore, Esquire of Bolpur, Bengal, the degree title honour and dignity of a Knight Bachelor together with all rights precedences privileges and advantages to the same degree title honour and dignity belonging or appertaining In witness where we have caused these our letters to be made patent Witness Ourself at Westminister the eighteenth day of June in the sixth year of Our reign
by Warrant Under the kings Sign manual
Muir Mackenzie
This news being published
This news was informed to Rabindranath personally in a letter dated "May 1915" from Viceregal Lodge/Simla;
Dear Sir Rabindranath Tagore
I have much pleasure in informing you that, upopn my recommendation , the King Emperor has been pleased to confer a Knighthood upon you as a mark of His majesty's appreciation of your literary talents.
Yours Sincerely
Hardinge of Penhurst
In this connection the certificate issued to Rabindranath did not mention any reference of literary talents of Rabindranath. The certificate was as follows;
George the Fiftth by the Grace of God
of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British dominations beyond the seas
King Defender of the faith do all to whom these presents shall come Greeting Know Ye that of Our especial Grace certain Knowledge and mere motion Have given and Granted and by these presents Do give and granted and by these presents Do give and grant unto our trusty and well beloved Rabindranath Tagore, Esquire of Bolpur, Bengal, the degree title honour and dignity of a Knight Bachelor together with all rights precedences privileges and advantages to the same degree title honour and dignity belonging or appertaining In witness where we have caused these our letters to be made patent Witness Ourself at Westminister the eighteenth day of June in the sixth year of Our reign
by Warrant Under the kings Sign manual
Muir Mackenzie
This news being published