He took along with him paternal aunt-in-law, Rajlakshmi Devi, brother-in-law Nagendranath Choudhury and his wife Nalinibala, renuka, Mira and Shamindranath. The team was a big one. They took their accomoation in the hired Garden house of Kalikrishna Babu.It was known from Amal Sengupta that the garden house was situated by the side of the big post office of the town.
.Having learnt the arrival of Rabindranath, persons fond of literature gradually began to assemble
around Rabindranath. It was noticed that a sitting was held for recitation and songs in the house of a local resident, Girindra Gupta.
Once, in April, 1885, Rabindranath came here with Indira Devi, Surendranath and Akshoy Chandra Choudhury. they had their accomodation in the Dakbanglo near the court.The route of Hazaribagh from Calcutta was a fifficult one. One has to go from Madhupur by narrow rail to Giridi and from there a long way has to tavel by man driven push-car.
After coming to Hazaribagh Rabindranath became seriously ill. He wrote to Mohit Chandra in a postcard that he caught fever after coming over here. I'm trying to get early relief from this but now I'm fastened to bed by many quilt and rag.
The letter written by Rabindranath to manoranjan babu was more descriptive.
" We were passing very bad days since we came here.I was suffering from fever for about 8/9 days. Now I had no fever but I was suffering suffering from weakness and cough.Next Shami became ill. From yesterday he had no fever but there was cough. Today Mira was attacked with fever. The wife of Bagendra also got fever. Pisima's heaith was not good. The servants were no excuse. The fever of Renuka rose to 102 degree selcious. There was no hope from any side. I was thinking of going back."
Rabindranath became accustomed with all sorts of hazards of this type but he was worried with his son-in-law Satyendranath. He gave him the charge of the Principal of the Ashram. He went to Punjab irresponsibly without paying any importance to it.. apart from all these Rabindranath kept his writing regularly.