After completing his B.S. in Agriculture Rathindranath returned to India having some educational tour in Europe at the request of his father in Sept. 1909. In the mean time his field for constructing a farm wirh a laboratory had been made ready by Rabindranath at Silaidah. Rabindranath also decided to hand over some charges of zamindary estate to his son Rathindranath. Rathindranath became satisfied with his future prospect. Rabindranath had moved to different places of his zamindary with Rathindranath to introduce him with the tenants. Moreover, this was the first time when he became close to his father in the same house boat. Rabindranath, having faced several untimely death of his loved ones ( Mrinlini, Renuka and Shamindranath) specially Shamindranath, embraced his son, Rathindranath, with all the love and passion he had.
While visiting for his Zamindari work Rabindranath preferred to use a Bajra (big boat) but in the opinion of his son Rathindranath, having returned from America after obtaining his degree, Bajra was a slow vehicle and was not suitable for going by water. Rabindranath purchased a steamer with Rs. 7900/- from Fortilla Company for him. Rabindranath wrote about this steamer to Rathindranath in some of his letters earlier. Previously Jyotirindranath lost all his wealth in competition with this company namely " The Bengal Central Fortilla Co. Ltd." This was the beginning of Rathindranath's exorbitant cost of living in contrast with Rabindranath's simple living. Rabindranath was not satisfied with his son's way of living but due to his affection towards his son he could not point it out to him. After few years the steamer had to be sold out for Rs.3000/- only on 8 May, 1917, undergoing heavy loss.
Sujit Kumar Chakraborty, brother of Arabindo Mohan and Ajit Kumar, passed B.Sc. from Presidency College. Rabindranath paid Sujit Kumar Rs.35/- pm regularly in the absence of Ajit Kumar. Now Rathindranath, being in charge of the estate, was instructed by Rabindranath to pay the amount from Ashwin within 3rd day of every month.
Rathindranath got his education in Agricultural Science from America and Rabindranath selected Silaidah as his place of work. Rathindranath wrote ;
"My life has been started afresh in Silaidah -it is supposed that I am just a wealthy farmer in Europe or in America. A vast land was made ready for the purpose of farming. The seeds of corn and seeds of different grass for the animals were imported from America. Different kinds of instruments for farming, suitable for our country was prepared. Even a small laboratory was constructed for testing the soil,
"Rabindranath stayed here as a guest of his son and daughter -in-law. He came here with illness and wrote Ajit Kumar, " My lever was not functioning properly which I did not feel earlier- for this reason, I have come here. Now I'm feeling better. The problem of my lever is no more." A small room was
constructed on the roof of the estate-building (Kuthi-Bari). That was his shelter. The rain is over and Beneath the sky there is wide field of crops and the stream of water of Padma is flowing . His mind became completely filled with sense of leisure in the slow-idle going village life. Explaining his state of mind he wrote a letter to Ajit Kumar.In every evening they had discussions on different issues - some times of his past educational life, some times of his present programme of action, sometimes with the miserable conditions of the peasants, sometimes of Rabindranath's plan and programme of development of villages. Sometimes they had some discussions on literature also. Rathindranath started a new life in Silaidah as if he was an well to do agriculturist in Europe or in America . He had to establish his farm on a vast land at Silaidah. Seeds of corn, food for domestic animal and seeds of different kinds grass was imported from America. Different kinds of ploughs and plough shares which was suitable for applying in this country. Even a small laboratory was prepared for examining the soil of the land. By this time Myron Phelps had come from America who was sympathetic to the cause of India.Different essays written by him were published in local papers. He had certified in his writings about the farm at Silaidah as a good attempt to organise a farm like America. When Rathinranath was busy with his present work he was called for his marriage which was fixed on 27th January, 1910, after five months of his arrival in India. This was the first time in their family of an widow marriage. After his marriage a few years had passed very smoothly and peacefully. He was doing his work in the farm at Silaidah and in the laboratory and Pratima was going
on with her study at Jorasanko with the help of a lady teacher Miss Burdaten coming from Illionos. But this easy going life within the simple living peasants in the villages had ended suddenly.
As it became very difficult for Rabindranath to take all the responsibilities of Santiniketan, he called Rathindranath to share some of his responsibilities. His classmate Santosh Kumar Majumdar after coming from America had already joined Santiniketan. His brother-in-law (husband of Mira), Nagendranath, also, would come back from America after finishing his study and would join. Rabindranath sent them all to America for their study in agriculture to help in the developmental work of Santiniketan and the country.
Rathindranath was happy in the natural environment of Silaidah but he had to take an additional responsibility of his father at Santiniketan.
His subject of study was agriculture and its scientific application. Now he had to think of handicraft and fine arts. After coming from America he found that Jorasanko was busy with ceremonies of art and literature. In America and Europe he attended many cultural programmes but the tastes of those were different from that of Jorasanko Here the ceremony was balanced, restrained and appreciating
Gaganendra and Abanindra were doing various types of experiments on art and culture. He went to their house at 5 no. Jorasanko, everyday. and tried to follow. He organised a club known as "Bichitra Club".
Here it might be mentioned that Rathindranath organised a Cosmopolitan Club at Illionos at Urbana. The logo of their Club had drawn by Nanda lal Bose.
After organising Bichitra Club he had to come to Santiniketan at the call of his father. Before that he tried for a business which as usual in Tagore family could not see any success. He purchased a car for his conveyance and went with it in different places inside and outside Bengal by self driving. This was the only benefit he got from his business.
Rabindranath’s second child Rathindranath Tagore (2nd from left), who was his eldest son, was born on 27 November 1888. Rathindranath was married on 27 January 1910 to Pratima Debi (2nd from right). Pratima Debi was born in the year 1893. At the time of their marriage, Rathindranath was 21 years 2 months of age and Pratima Debi was about 17 years .
Pratima Debi was Gaganendranath and Abanindranath Tagore’s niece. (Her mother Binayini Debi was their sister). Before her marriage to Rathindranath, Pratima Debi had been married to Nilanath Mukhopadhyay but, was widowed later. Rathindranath and Pratima Debi’s marriage was the first instance of a widow marriage in the Tagore family
First rice taking ceremony of Pratima was held on 30th Jan, 2010 and Rabindranath handed over the charge of his family to her with a sum of Rupees 50/- as the balance of family expenses on 2nd Feb, 2010, just after 3 days she came to her father-in-law's house. Rabindranath wrote to his son-in-law, Nagendranath,
" Hope you have got the news of my daughter-in-law. Everybody likes her very much. It is Santi who is charmed and Dhiren (both are brothers of Nagendra) too is so. They are of opinion that this time her beauty surpassed that of Bela even. Not only in outward beauty, her behaviour is also sweet. Her face appears so calm that she looks gracious and everyone becomes attracted."
In that letter, written to Nagendra, he described the duties allotted to Rathindranath. After the completion of his course Nagendranath might join in the same field of work. Rabindranath described him in details the socio-economic perspective of contemporary India.
" Now,our main duty is to try to develop the economic condition of the downtrodden people of our society.If you want to be a co-worker of Rathi then there are ample scope. You can cultivate land in co-operation with the farmers, can open Banks, to build healthy dwelling place for them, to pay up their debt, to arrange for the education of their kids, to provide means of livelihood for their old age, to construct roads and dams, to remove scarcity of drinking water, to fasten each other with bondage on the basis of co-operation, and so many similar works.If we became successful to form an ideal village of this type, then the whole country will get an example to do likewise. I did not find persons to do this type of basic work. Everyone wants excitement. There are very few persons for real work, for real sacrifice."

In the month April (Baishakh, 1319),1912, Rathindranath purchased a bunglow with garden in Ramgarh, near Nainital with Rs. 10,000/- only where Rabindranath had gone for rest with Pratima Devi, Mira, Nagendra and two servants.
Rabindranth decided to go to foreign for the third time on Friday, 24 May 1912.
"The Bengalee" paper published, in Saturday, 25 May (12 Jaistha) issue, the detail description of the farewell of Rabindranath;
" Babu Rabindranath Tagore accompanied by his son Babu Rathindranath left Calcutta on Friday by B.N.Railway Bombay Mail for Europe.he will first visit France and Germany and stay for some time in England, whence he will go to America and return after making a prolong tour through China, Japan Siam. Members of the Tagore family, his friend and devotee, his Bolpur students and ex-students, with many of the teaching staff saw him off at the station.
Rathindranath along with his wife accompanied Rabindranath to Europe and America in May, 1912. They stayed in England and then went to America and came back.
Manchestor Guardian during day time published the news of the departure of Rabindranath Tagore on 3rd Sept,1913.
Rabindranath reached Bombay station on 27th Sept when he had answer several questions put by the reporters. His answers were published in The Bombay Chronicle and Morning Post, Observer of London.
He boarded the ship when he went to London from the same port and came back to his own land after one year 4 months.
In London and in America Rathindranath tried to increase his academic attainment but circumstances did not permit him to do so.
Rathindranath established his family in the Kuthibari of Surul, the newly purchased garden house.On 25th Aug Rabindranath became a guest in their house. Rabindranath came everyday to Santiniketan with the help of a Cow-Cart through the earthen road. Dinendranath stayed in the house known as Benukunja made of straw where every evening Sangeet Sandhya were arranged.