He came to England from France on May 10, 1930 and from London he went to become the guest of Quakers of Woodbrooke in Birmingham.
Quakers, or Friends, are members of a family of religious movements which collectively are known as either the Friends Church, or the Religious Society of Friends. Friends' central doctrine is the priesthood of all believers, a doctrine which is derived from the Biblical passage 1 Peter 2:9. Most Quakers view themselves as a Christian denomination. They include those with evangelical, holiness, liberal, and traditional conservative Quaker understandings of Christianity. Controversially, over the last 25 years, a minority of Quakers in the Western world have started to question some traditional Christian beliefs and practices.
The Quakers Christian Society established a course of study in Woodbrooke. Amiya Chakrabaty was in Woodbrooke at that time. The poet became happy because he could help him in his writing. Moreover, he would get a better company.
The poet was invited to address in the annual meeting of the Quakers.
The poet passed his days in Woodbrooke happily.
He also attended Hibbert Lecture in Oxford .(The Hibbert Lectures are an annual series of non-sectarian lectures on theological issues. They are sponsored by the Hibbert Trust, which was founded in 1847 by the Unitarian Robert Hibbert with a goal to uphold "the unfettered exercise of private judgement in matters of religion.". In recent years the lectures have been broadcast by the BBC) His subject wss Religion of Man. In the last few days he became a guest of Elmhirst in Dartington.
The poet was invited to address in the annual meeting of the Quakers.
The poet passed his days in Woodbrooke happily.
He also attended Hibbert Lecture in Oxford .(The Hibbert Lectures are an annual series of non-sectarian lectures on theological issues. They are sponsored by the Hibbert Trust, which was founded in 1847 by the Unitarian Robert Hibbert with a goal to uphold "the unfettered exercise of private judgement in matters of religion.". In recent years the lectures have been broadcast by the BBC) His subject wss Religion of Man. In the last few days he became a guest of Elmhirst in Dartington.
The poet came to Germany from England on 11th July.