Samindranath was born on 12th Dec. 1896.
In 1901, 22nd Dec (7th Paush), on the day of 11th annual ceremony of establishment of Santiniketan and after morning prayer, the Brahmacharyashram of Rabindranath was inaugurated in presence of Brahmabandhab, Rebachand and the students came from Calcutta. Satyprasad, Dinendranath and singer Biharilal Chattopadhyay was also present. The magistrate of Birbhum was present (might be) as a chief guest.
Satyendranath Thakur delivered the inaugural speech about the school and Rabindranath initiated the students by saying Vedic hymn, "Shreyan Basyasohasani Swaha". Then he explained the meaning of the Sloka to all the boys present in a simple language.
In the evening prayer Rabindranath, Chintamoni Chattopadhyay and Shambhunath Gadgadi took the seat on the Dias.
But there were different opinions about the number of students present on the first day at the school.In one opinion, given by the biographer of Rabindranath, Samindranath was present amongst the ten students present on the occasion.