Rabindranath's formal education was brief. He had changed schools four times (Oriental Seminary, Normal School, Bengal Academy, St.

Xavier's School) in eight years (1868-1876). Then he tried to study law in UK for about two years (1878-1880) and came back home without obtaining any degree. He again attempted to go to England but after reaching Madras he changed his mind. To become a graduate one has to undergo 10+2+2=14 years of study. But he had undergone only 10 years of study and did not secure any formal diploma. During this time, however, he did not spoil any single moment. He followed strictly a daily time table from morning till night and was tutored at home by his brothers (Hemendranath and Dwijendranath) and by his father, Devendranath during journey to Dalhousie and 20 private tutors on different subjects including wrestling, swimming, trekking. He was so equipped during this time that he could translate Kumarsambhaba from Sanskrit to Bengali and Macbeth from English to Bengali, both in verse. He had filled up a Blue Book

obtained from the office of the Tagore family with own written verses at the age of eight and started his life in literary work both as a writer and a performer and established himself as a poet, a singer, a playwriter, a musician.