Saturday, February 18, 2012

Rabindranath in Japan (contd-13)

( Rabindranath in Japan in 1916)
Rabindranath was greeted by the Budhists Kanneiji temple in Uyeno Park in Japanese style on 13th June. The Prime Minister Count Okuma, Education Minister Dr. Takada, Agricultural and Commerce Minister Kono, Dr.Yamakawa of State University, Hioki, head of Budhist Jain sect, Mayor of Tokyo,Dr. Okuda and about two fifty very important persons. One of the greatest Pandit of japan Dr. Takasaku Junjiroinaugurated the occasion and then Hioki mokusen read the welcoming address. In reply Rabindranath said  that he does not know Japanese and as English is not their own language so he too does not feel comfortable in speaking English. He is, therefore, speaking in his own mother tongue Bengali. Prof. kimura translated it in japanese.Rabindranath said that when he got down in Kobe he became frustrated to see the consumerism of Japan. But he came to Sizuoko station and saw that the Budhists were welcoming him by igniting scented stick, he became satisfied.
At the end of the occasion Count Okuma delivered the vote of thanks .