Friday, February 4, 2011

Mrinalini Devi (contd-3)

Rabindranath was given the charge of looking after the zamindari of Debendranath as there was no one else in the Tagore family capable of doing the job after the death of Hemendranath. At the begining he was trained in the office. Then he was asked to go to Shelaidah in North Bengal (at present Bangladesh) to visit the place of work. He wrote to his wife,
'I got your letter just as I was leaving Shelaidah this morning. It made me sad. But the thought of your returning to Calcutta cheered me up. Otherwise I would not have come to  Calcutta now.I am not feeling too well either and wishing that you were with me. I was sure in my mind that it would be for the best that all of you stay in Sholapur for as long as possible.I had hoped that the children would study well there and grow up healthy. Anyway not everything can be in one's control. We have to make do with what comes our way and dutifully do the best we can under these circumstances.That is all that is humanly possible. 
Please don't nurse any discontent within yourself, choto-bou; that does more harm than good. Let us just carry on resolutely with contentment and a smile.With my brooding temperament I know that I suffer unnecessarily. I want you to stay happy, otherwise our prospect looks bleak.You know, my dear, how intense I am by nature. But you don't know how hard I work to keep calm. Please help me overcome my discontent, and please never join me in it.
If you are already on your way, I shall see you when I am in Calcutta this time. I shall try to arrange for you to come with me to Orissa. It is a very healthy place. I have already told father what I want to do, I think he understands. I may get my way if I talk to him once or twice more still it is best not to raise our hopes. I have a feeling this letter may reach you while you are still in Solapur. It may be eight or ten days more  you can start. Let's see.
My boat is slowly moving along the whole day . It is already evening but we have not yet made it to Pabna. Once we are  there we shall have to go on for many more miles by palanquin."
Rabindrnath wrote to Mrinalini from Shelaidah in 1892.