Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Rabindranath and his wife Mrinalini

In June1899, Rabindranath went to Shilaidah, keeping his wife and children in Jorasanko. The family at Jorasanko was not only large in numbers but also beset by the problems of contradictory interests of varying personalities. Rabindranath's wife Mrinalini was buffeted by these varying interests. She wrote a letter to Rabindranath expressing her grievances. On the same day Rabindranath gave the reply in a long letter.
The letter explained the relation between the two persons and one's attitude towards the other. At first he consoled her and advised her to shed the tension, try to adjust and remain calm. He wrote that he himself was reconciled to the fact that that success did not come always. He said that if Mrinalini could do same, then both of them would live peacefully. Though he knew that Mrinalini was much younger and her experience limited, she was calm and patient. Therefore, she could protect herself from all sorts of hazards.  He continued to request her not to misunderstand him for giving her advice, which he did with great respect and love.